mercredi 9 mai 2012

La santé du lac Champlain, c'est l'affaire de tous!

Nos voisins du Vermont ont produit récemment un excellent documentaire sur le lac Champlain : son état de santé ne s'améliore pas mais nous pouvons faire - autant comme individu que comme collectivité -- une foule de choses pour y remédier. À voir absolument (en ligne) pour s'en laisser inspirer et passer à l'action...

"BLOOM: the Plight of Lake Champlain" is an Emmy-award winning documentary on the health of the 6th largest lake in the United States, and the future of the watershed communities of Vermont, New York and Quebec that surround its waters. 
The second episode in the Bloom series explores the history of wastewater treatment and introduces natural design strategies to help clean our water, reduce our reliance on energy intensive end-of-pipe solutions, and build resilient economies. 
The third episode in the Bloom series introduces the farming and food renaissance that is reshaping the Green Mountain State, and may just renew our waters in the process. 
The fourth and final episode in the Bloom series describes how we can design our houses, neighborhoods, businesses, and cities in ways that restore nature's capacity to regulate and clean stormwater.


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