jeudi 17 mai 2007

The Blockhaus

Construit en 1838-39, ce blockhaus pouvait loger 35 hommes.

« A Report of the Missisquoi County Historical Society contains the following note : "This old Block House was built in 1838-39 as a protection against the rebels, as they were called. It was garnisoned in 1840 by Colonel Dyer's corps of Volunteers, followed by a squadron of the Queen's Light Dragoons. " The Block house stood on the hill just back of Mr. James Taylor residence and remained, gradually falling into decay until some time in the first decade of the present century when the remains were demolished. »

Texte : George H. Montgomery, Missisquoi Bay, 1950, p. 110
Photo : Collection de la Bibliothèque nationale du Québec

Autre photo du blockhaus de Philipsburg :

Collection du Musée McCord.

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