vendredi 26 janvier 2007

George Hugh Alexander Montgomery

George Hugh Alexander Montgomery is one of the Montreal bar, of which he is an ex-councillor. He has successfully pleaded cases in al the courts of Canada and before the privy council and has for some years occupied an enviable place at the bar of this city. He was born at Philipsburg, P.Q., February 5, 1874, a son of the Rev. Hugh and E. M. (Slack) Montgomery. (...)

In 1909 he was created king's counsel. His work in the courts has shown him to be largely a master of the principles of jurisprudence and also possessed of the power to present his cause clearly, cogently and logically, His ability as an advocate is acknowledged by contemporaries and colleagues.

Mr. Montgomery is the owner of Lakeside Stock Farm at Philipsburg, Quebec, the home of some of the finest Ayrshire cattle and Clydesdale horses in the Dominion. Modern in its improvements, with fine natural advantages, this farm countains two hundred and fifty acres of the finest arable soil, for which most of the eastern township farms ar noted, as well as ample additional acreage to meet the requirements of a sucessful stock farm.

Mr. Montgomery has for mort than twenty years been extensively interested in farming operations, and from time to time has added to his holdings, in the eastern townships, which now comprise more than seven hundred acres. It was more than ten years ago that he started in to breed the best in pure-bred Ayrshire cattle, and while finding all the recreation and entertainment sought by a gentleman farmer, the project has been conducted on a business as well as a scientific basis with gratifying results. Stock from Lakeside Stock Farm have successfully contested in the show ring with the best herds in Canada. Equally as high class are the Clydesdale horses owned and bred at this farm.

In 1913 Mr. Montgomery completed his beautifil country residence on Missisquoi Bay near Philipsburg. Modern in its appointments, the structure is of field stone up to the ground floor, above which it is of Elizabethan style, and from its site overlooking Lake Champlain, comprises one of the most attractive homes in that section. (...)
Source :
Atherton, W. H. (William Henry), Montreal from 1535 to 1914. Volume IIII : biographical, Montreal, 1914, p. 352-355 via le site Our roots/Nos racines

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